Problem Pregnancy Center Logo


You deserve to know the facts first.

You deserve to know the facts first before seeking abortion clinics in Southfield.

get a free ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy before making any decisions. We can help you for free.


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Before your abortion, confirm pregnancy

Before getting an abortion with abortion clinics in Southfield, confirm pregnancy

Before making a decision, confirm pregnancy

Unlike abortion clinics in Southfield, we only provide free services to help you get the facts to make an informed decision.

Step 1: Get a Free Pregnancy Test

Verify your pregnancy with a free pregnancy test in a professional setting.

Step 2: Get a Free Ultrasound

Confirm your pregnancy and check if it's viable with a high-quality ultrasound.

Step 3: Get Free Options Counseling

Discover your options and abortion information with an options counselor.

Proudly serving women
since 2000

Women helped
5080 +
Ultrasounds provided
2380 +
Pregnancy tests provided
2580 +
Block quote in purple

What the women we serve
are saying

Tag: Abortion clinics in Southfield

Schedule Your Free Appointment Now

Confirm pregnancy. Get the clarity you need.